Friday, July 4, 2008


Wow, what a week it has been. Last Thursday we packed up a U-Haul truck with what was left in our house (stuff not in storage) and slept on an air mattress that night. Friday we sold our house in the morning and closed on the new house in the afternoon. The U-Haul had to be back by 6pm so we unloaded everything into the garage at the new house. We did get to sleep on our own bed that night. On Saturday we had a lot of friends over to help us move things into the new house and also get everything out of storage. It was a great afternoon (morning had scattered showers) to move in and then grill some hot dogs and hamburgers. All the kids played in the backyard and on the playset, we love our yard! Today is Independence Day and we are still unpacking boxes! Here are a bunch of pictures of the weekend.

Madison needed a break from all the hard work!

Jim and Jared loaded up the freezer while telling fishing stories.

The U-Haul is almost loaded up.

The unloading crew was out in force on Saturday afternoon!

Maybe easier for some then that a Starbucks!

Jimmy Z manned the grill for some fabulous burgers and brats!

Fabian helped install the new door knobs for us.

Everything is unloaded. Time to EAT!

Dad's little helper!

Our friends Anna, Melanie and Evelyn (baby).

Jennifer got to mow the grass with her brand new lawnmower.

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