Sunday, June 22, 2008

Madison Making Cookies

Madison's First Wedding

This weekend Madison went to her first wedding! It was for our friends Tom and Colleen who Jim knows through his camera club. She loved getting dressed up like a princess and even wore one of mommy's necklaces. At the reception Madison made some friends with all the other kids that were there.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Special

Today we celebrated Father's Day. Madison was so excited to give daddy a card this morning and to also help him open his present. Madison is able to say "Happy Father's Day!" which just melts a daddy's heart to hear. We went out to dinner last night as a combination Anniversary and Father's Day to Saint Paul and then walked along the Mississippi River afterwards. It was a beautiful night for a stroll.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First haircut

On Friday the 13th we took Madison to get her first haircut at "Wildchild Hair". Even with the ominous sounding day for her first haircut it went really much better than we ever thought it would. She sat very nice for the lady and she also got to watch cartoons. Her hair looks waaaay better now than the wild hair she had before.

This is Madison before the haircut!

Sitting so nice while she watches cartoons.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our first post

Today I decided we would start a blog instead of monthly updates for Madison. I still need to figure out how to do all the cool things like pictures and video, but that will be coming soon enough. More to come soon.....