We hunted for Easter eggs in the morning and then went for a Sunday Drive to Red Wing to look for birds and have a picnic. We saw over 30 different kinds of birds! We only could ID 28 of them though, there were a couple we didn't know.
Here is our list for the afternoon: Canada Goose, Pigeon, Crow, Red Tailed Hawk, Tree Swallow, Mallard, Great Blue Heron, Northern Flicker, Red Wing Blackbird, House Sparrow, Robin, Pied Bill Grebe, Blue Winged Teal, Ring Billed Gull, European Starling, Trumpeter Swan, Bald Eagle (10 of these in one spot, see picture below), Hooded Merganser, Canvasback, Scaup, Killdeer, Northern Shoveler, Common Grackel, Chestnut Sided Warbler, Downy Woodpecker, Brown Headed Cowbird, American Kestral, and a Turkey.